Link For Tours

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At last we will soon end a complicated year for all of us, and now, more than ever, is the time to look with hopeful at 2021. This year will be a white picture and we are lucky to be able to start working on it.

Nobody expected something similar and in this point we know that we can support by ourselves a lot of thinks. Sometimes it is necessary to take steps to change course, analyze the situation and continue to think that we can improve.

We want and must move on. Someone has to move tourism once they start to travel and that responsibility concerns exclusively those of us who are supporting ourselves and also those who are born in the tourism industry.

Right now, thinking about what tourism is going to be like is a bit complicated. It's only been a few months since we stopped short and I would almost tell you that it was a sabbatical year. Things are going to change for sure, and we still don't know the direction they are going to take. What we do know is that next year may still be a good year.

We must work together to analyze the options that are presented to us. To see how we can, through synergies, reactivate tourism and design that new painting to draw it as we want. Now, we have to give our opinion in each tourism area. Everything is important, and we have to take the responsibility  under our experiencie, how contribute to improve the tourism industry and where we want to go in our profession. offers different ways for each professional or company to decide their way of acting, the presence they want to have in the market and what are their objectives as a company &  professional. It is a tool available to our sector to join forces and work in the same direction. A platform that will be the tourism consultancy worldwide.   

At Currently situation we live in, we have found that our industry is a machine in which all the pieces are connected and above all,  resilient. It has taught us to join resources and that the tourism puzzle depends exclusively on all the pieces fitting together. 

This crisis will pass, that is what we have to keep in mind every day so as not to get discouraged and in this way, push tourism and get up sooner rather than later.. 

We must leave our confort area  in which we think that it is others who have to give us the solution. The gray matter must be put to work and it will be the engine that helps us to reactivate our industry, which today is "very damaged." It is our time to show that we can do things and that together we are going to go hand in hand so that in the coming year we see TOURISM resurfaces again like the Phoenix. 

I invite you to contribute and also to continue. Together we are stronger, together we will work for a transparent and more professional sector. 

What if we give back to the sector what it has done for us throughout our professional lives?

 How far do you think you can go during the year 2021? What can we change to make tourism better? 

How are we going to do it?